December 2011 Specials!
December Specials
Botox - $25 off with Brilliant Distinctions Account
Juvederm - $25 off with Brilliant Distinctions Account
Xeomin - Introductory price of $9 per unit (Now - December 30th)
Laser Hair Reduction - 20% off (Now - December 30th)
Vivite' - 20% off all Vivite' products (Now - December 30th)
Open House 2011 Coupons - Now until June 30th, 2012
Restylane & Perlane
“Firecracker Fan” Facebook Contest - Support Dr. Yee's C&LSC by helping us reach 750 fans! Become a fan, tell a friend, or suggest our page & you will be automatically entered to win our "Firecracker Fan" give away! The winner will receive a complete skin analysis and treatment, including; skin consultation, Visia Complexion analysis, Vibraderm treatment with chemical peel, and a complete Obagi NU-DERM system! Winner will be announced as soon as we reach 750 fans!