Suzanne Yee, MD

Endoscopic Brow Lift: Refresh Your Appearance

Apr 15, 2014 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Brow Lift Plastic Surgery

If creases on your forehead and vertical lines between your brows have you avoiding your mirror, then an endoscopic brow lift may refresh your appearance as well as your outlook.

An endoscopic brow lift treats the drooping brow that makes you look perpetually angry or tired, targeting the area from your brows and up. The procedure, also known as a forehead lift, can elevate the eyebrows to a more youthful position as well as decrease forehead lines. It may also diminish hooding that occurs in the upper eyelid area.

Plastic surgeon Suzanne Yee in Little Rock combines surgical technique and a sense of artistry with each endoscopic brow lift to create a natural and refreshed appearance in her patients. If desired, she can combine a brow lift with eyelid surgery to rejuvenate the upper portion of your face.

Specifically, an endoscopic brow lift can:

Brow Lift Procedure

The brow lift procedure lifts and tightens the muscles and skin of the brow, smoothing wrinkles and frown lines while lifting a hooded, drooping brow line. The procedure begins with a general or local anesthetic. Then, small incisions are discreetly made in the hairline, usually near the top of the head and then down each side, toward the ears. A tiny fiber optic camera, the endoscope, is inserted into the incisions to guide the surgeon in repositioning muscles, removing fat, and trimming excess skin. 

The endoscopic brow lift involves the use of small incisions, which improves healing and recovery. In most cases, patients can return to work in about a week. Vigorous exercise, however, should be postponed for several weeks. You will experience some swelling and bruising, which should subside within a few days.


In the past, brow lifts were accomplished by creating an incision in the hairline from ear to ear. In comparison, an endoscopic brow lift is minimally invasive, improving recovery and reducing scars. Benefits include:

What to Consider

Though many people like the permanence of a brow lift, other options are available. For example, injectables, such as dermal fillers or BOTOX® Cosmetic, can also ease forehead creases and wrinkles around the eyes. Temporary lifting from injectables can help many patients needing a mild improvement.

To learn what method is best for you, please request a personal consultation with Dr. Yee. She can assess your face and determine which treatments will help you achieve your goal of a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. 

Please call today for an appointment.